Today’s society is fueled by technology that is constantly at our fingertips.While this social connection that finds it’s basis in technology has changed our world for the better in many ways, it has also led to a very evident disconnect— a lack of presence is becoming a norm of social culture at any kind of event we attend. It would be an understatement to say that Millennials find it hard to put their phones down. Social Media platforms have turned us all into Pavlov’s dogs. There seems to be an inherent need to interact at all times, with everyone else, on Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. And while these social platforms are great places to share life events and photos, they should come second to experiencing the actual event. Our couples are catching on: requests for friends and family to “unplug” during wedding ceremonies are becoming more and more common. We totally agree, and here’s why:
Capturing the moments of your special day is one of the most important things to a couple. So, leave it to the professionals. Photographers can not express their frustration enough when they have a perfect shot of the newlyweds but - surprise! - it’s ruined by a guest in the background with a smart phone or tablet pointing at the couple. Do the photographer a favor and keep your phone put away during the entire duration of the ceremony. Your friends will thank you when you’ve respected the event of their union by being present and your Hello Kitty phone case isn’t photobombing all the photos of the processional!
Can we be honest? No matter how much they try to convince you, Millennials are terrible at multitasking. Your friends will spend a lot of time, effort and money planning their special day and for the short time that you are at their ceremony, you know they expect your full and undivided attention. It’s such a special moment— you don’t want to miss a minute of it just to get a photo of the flower girl.
One of the most magical moments of the whole wedding ceremony is seeing the groom or bride’s reaction when they see their partner walking down the aisle. Have you ever seen a groom have to lean to the side to be able to get a good look at their future wifey because there were too many phones and tablets in the way of the aisle? Oh, it’s happened. What’s more, if I were the one walking down that aisle, I would much prefer seeing my friend’s and family’s smiling faces rather than the backs of all their cell phones.
Enjoy being present during the ceremony, and focus on celebrating your friends’ important day. We know you want to capture a moment on your own though, so save your photo-snapping for the reception! This is the time to get the funny photo of the uninhibited, open-mouthed laugh during the champagne toast, or the happy couple gettin’ groovy on the dance floor. Capture those candid moments, as they’ll be ones more likely to be missed by the one or two professional photographers who are focused on the big shots.